At Oh My Dogness, we believe that your furry friend deserves the very best. Our mission is to provide your dog with delicious, healthy and natural treats and chews that are free from preservatives and additives. We carefully source our ingredients and our products are made in small batches to ensure optimal freshness. We are committed to offering a wide range of treats and chews that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. Join us in our mission to keep your dog happy and healthy!

Canada shipping

We deliver nationwide across Canada using various carriers and provide complimentary shipping for orders totaling over $150.

For orders under $150, we offer a subsidized flat-rate shipping fee of $15.

In-person pick-up is available but you will need to reach out to us beforehand to confirm the pick up location (Don Mills and Lawrence - North York) or (Bur Oak and 16th - Markham).

OMD is not responsible for delays, lost or stolen packages, delays due to weather, strikes, or any other conditions that causes a delay at the post.

Please make sure your shipping address is correct. A $10 restocking fee will apply to all returned orders. If a package is returned, the customer will be responsible for covering the cost of return shipping, the restocking fee, and the reshipping fee.

24/7 support

Email us anytime at